
Hi, I’m Liz.

I’m a storyteller who takes complex subjects and presents them in a compelling way – whether it’s a tweet, a blog, or a speech.

This passion for storytelling has roots in my background in journalism and continues to grow through my adventures in marketing.

I started my career writing, producing, and reporting the news. I had a soft spot for community and business profiles, highlighting creative people and unique places around New England.

Next, I took my journalism skills to the utility industry, taking a nearly century-old company and transforming the way it approached marketing – defining the brand’s voice and using a combination of storytelling and modern technology to share and amplify its message across the globe.

Now I’m working for you. Arts organizations, non-profits, complex businesses, and tech companies. Listening to your challenges and working together to launch products, define social media strategies, write stories, develop campaigns, and make an impact.

What’s your story? Let’s share it.